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/ Newsbytes - International…ews 1983 May to 1995 May / Newsbytes News Network - International Computing Industry News 1995 Edition (1983-1995) (Wayzata).ISO / pc / jpeg / 950329b_.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1995-04-07  |  100KB  |  651x436  |  24-bit (83,311 colors)
Labels: animal | computer | crt screen | dialog box | elephant | hakham | monitor | personal digital assistant | plant | road | sculpture | sky
OCR: Mitrusot BasEkcll Fnryuinprdia Edit Tools Flocl Helg Microsoft Bookshelf Lnccoocdi Gallery elephant ptephan! Gtan legest tha hen in0 tounk Tht eitends tong taribie trura rornkang come to the roith and taschirn the eata preeds 16 cooling sutace ALICn bul 13 taat wthe -hodter weigh 68 54000 7200 Haad cused tusks thay Lecome Hethy andtrarel ortus and Crech Reputt cerm Derman the hearnon he 250 commstacatiot 241 aso VAMMOTH ticat Blcphant Sound Micrusoft Besk helt Enrvunprdia Bock Help Microsof Lncyclapedis pterhaa tican Elcphant